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Take Control of Your Energy Bills Today!

Writer's picture: MaintecMaintec

Energy efficiency is an effective means for saving money, cutting pollution and relieving the power grid of stress. It also benefits our economy while protecting the environment by avoiding air and water pollution, minimising negative impacts on critical ecosystems and decreasing our reliance on foreign sources of fossil fuels.


Controlling your energy bills is simple with modern, energy-saving lighting. Look for products with the ENERGY STAR logo.

Energy-saving LED lights and bulbs are the optimal lighting choice, using 90% less electricity than incandescent bulbs. When selecting a light source, factors like its wattage, color spectrum and size all play a role in how much power is consumed.

You can save on your energy bill by installing timers and dimmers, which automatically turn off lights when not in use. Also make sure your new bulbs remain clean and free from dust to maximize their efficacy - saving even more! But ultimately, consistency in energy conservation practices will have a lasting effect on household power bills.


No doubt, many household expenses are out of your control, but you still have the power to manage your energy bills. To lower costs and contribute to environmental stewardship, consider replacing outdated appliances with energy-saving models.

When shopping for a new washer, dryer, dishwasher or oven, look for the Energy Star label to identify products that use more energy-saving than their equivalents. On average, these ENERGY STAR-rated appliances use 10-50 percent less power than non-rated models.

Heating and cooling systems are another area where many Americans have started searching for eco-friendly alternatives. Traditional furnaces, boilers and air conditioners produce ozone depleting gases while being inefficient. On the other hand, modern systems offer various energy-saving technologies compatible with smart thermostats; these can be programmed to automatically adjust your home's temperature based on external input reducing both your energy bill and greenhouse gas emissions.

Heating and Cooling

Heating and cooling are two of the largest energy expenses for most homes. To save with modern, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, it's important to understand your home's individual requirements and which systems will best serve it.

Smart thermostats can be programmed to automatically regulate the temperature in your home based on lifestyle and comfort level, helping you save energy bills while still keeping you comfortable.

Another option is to replace your current water heater with a high-performance hybrid electric or gas water heater (HPWH). These units feature an auxiliary immersion heating element that initiates on-demand heating during off-peak electricity hours.

These units can save up to 50% compared to traditional gas or oil-fired systems and have a lower environmental impact. Furthermore, they help prevent ozone depleting gases from entering the atmosphere, making them an ideal choice for environmentalists. If your old system isn't producing an AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) of at least 80%, now is the time to upgrade!

Water Heating

Access to hot water when needed is a necessity, but that doesn't have to mean you need to spend a fortune heating it. Today's modern energy-saving technologies such as solar and electric can help save you money while decreasing your environmental footprint.

A smart thermostat will notify you when to turn the tap on or off, keeping the hot water flowing as long as possible and saving you money in energy costs. There's also an innovative technology called a heat pump water heater (HPWH), which uses similar tech as refrigerators to maintain high levels of temperature. This is perfect for homes that don't have access to mains electricity or gas or those with limited sun exposure. Although installation may be cost-prohibitive, consider investing in an HPWH to make your house more comfortable while decreasing utility bills at the same time.

Windows and Doors

Doors and windows are essential elements in the comfort of your home. They provide insulation during winters, while keeping things cool in summers.

Modern energy-saving windows and doors can help you save a substantial amount on utility bills annually, as well as reduce your home's carbon footprint.

Additionally, installing new windows and doors can enhance the aesthetics of your home. This could be a major selling point if you ever decide to sell it.

When selecting window frames, the material you use for insulation and low maintenance requirements are critical factors. High-grade composite, wood, aluminum- or vinyl-clad windows offer superior energy efficiency and require little upkeep.

Clothes Washing and Drying

Washing and drying clothes can be a huge drain on energy resources. But modern energy efficient washers and dryers can actually save you money in the long run!

High-efficiency washers use less water and electricity to clean clothes more effectively than regular machines, and can save households up to $70 annually on energy bills.

The latest washers use 70% less energy than their predecessors, and ENERGY STAR dryers save up to 20% more energy. Not only are these more eco-friendly, but they're also safer for the environment.

Avoid over drying your clothes by setting the water level and spin speed to a low amount. Additionally, group similar fabrics together to reduce the need for multiple cycles with the dryer.


Dishwashers can be incredibly useful, saving both time and energy while making kitchen cleanup simpler. But it's essential that you use them efficiently.

Running a dishwasher only when it's full can save water and electricity, and ensure proper loading so as not to waste energy or detergent.

Another way to reduce dishwater usage is by not pre-rinsing your dishes. Instead, scrape food off plates before placing them in the dishwasher and avoid rinsing leftover food residue off your dishes before reusing them.

For even greater savings, consider getting an energy-saving dishwasher that meets Energy Star standards and uses less water and energy than traditional models. Look for models with features like soil sensors and special zones for targeted cleaning, plus other eco-friendly components.


Modern energy efficient cooking not only saves you money and promotes wellness, but it can also reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Cooking has been an integral part of human culture and survival for millennia. It is the act of turning raw food into something we can eat.

Producing new dishes through culinary expression can be a rewarding endeavor. Many ingredients can be used, including animal meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruit, herbs and spices to achieve this look!

Modern energy efficient cooking offers many opportunities to save, from switching to a microwave or slow cooker, to not leaving appliances like washing machines and ovens on standby. But it's essential to remember that these savings only go so far; simply switching over won't cut it all the way!

Ventilation and Humidity

Ventilation is essential in creating a healthy indoor environment. It helps regulate temperature, humidity and air pollutants - either naturally or mechanically. Ventilation plays an integral role in creating this healthy atmosphere.

Modern energy efficient whole-house fans, ceiling fans and home automation can be an excellent way to save on your energy bills while maintaining a comfortable indoor climate. These technologies have the capacity to detect room temperatures and turn on or off accordingly for optimal comfort as well as energy savings.

Maintaining an appropriate indoor climate with respect to moisture and humidity can be particularly challenging in humid climates, but it's achievable with ventilation systems that include a dehumidification feature.

Humid air can be a breeding ground for mold, rust and mildew. It also increases the risk of health issues like irritated eyes, throats and noses as well as respiratory infections due to dust mites multiplying. Furthermore, high levels of humidity lead to higher energy costs in buildings as they feel hotter than usual.


If you use computers or office equipment at home, modern energy efficient computers can save you money. They use less power than traditional PCs and households who make small changes to their setup can save thousands of dollars annually on energy bills.

Modern computer systems come with built-in energy saving features, such as power management options that put inactive monitors and computers into low power "sleep" mode when not in use. By changing these settings, you could reduce your computer's energy usage by up to 50%.

You can save with a range of software programs that utilize more energy-saving techniques, as well as hardware upgrades such as hard drives or RAM that consume less power. Manufacturers are taking these issues seriously and working to increase their product's energy efficiency; this means consumers can save on energy bills without compromising performance.

Office Equipment

Office equipment refers to a group of assets businesses acquire for use in the workplace. This could include computers, fax machines, copiers, printers and other items that enable companies to carry out their daily operations more efficiently.

These tools encompass collaboration, storage and protection of important documents. These elements are crucial for the efficient running of a business.

Software is another indispensable office necessity. It helps create documents, manage e-mails, keep records and facilitate team collaboration.

Most offices require mailing equipment, such as postage scales and software to send products or materials out. These tools are essential for sending vital documents like invoices, shipping instructions and product samples to clients.

Home Electronics

Some estimates place home entertainment systems and office equipment at the heart of household electronics energy use - up to 90% in some cases. Even when not in use, these items consume significant amounts of power, providing an opportunity to reduce overall electrical consumption.

One of the most efficient methods to reduce household energy expenses is making sure electronics are turned off when not in use. This can be accomplished through various strategies such as installing standby savers on appliances that draw power when not in use or completely turning them off once they have been unplugged.


Thermostats are the brains behind your home's heating and cooling system, controlling the temperatures in each room. Modern energy-saving thermostats can save money on bills by setting a precise temperature throughout your entire house and cutting back on use of heater or air conditioner.

In some cases, smart thermostats can even adjust their settings automatically according to your lifestyle - for instance, turning off the heating in the evening if you're sleeping.

Most smart thermostats come with a smartphone app that lets you create an automated schedule for how your home's temperature should change at certain times. Some can even be controlled by Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant smart speakers.

Whole-House Fans

Whole-house fans work by drawing in cool air from outside and pushing hot air out through attic vents. Although they typically only operate during certain seasons each year, these powerful appliances can quickly and effectively reduce your home's temperature.

They're especially beneficial in hot, dry climates where air conditioning isn't an option. By opening windows and inviting in cooler outdoor air, the warmer indoor air can be drawn inside and then forced out by a fan.

Many homeowners use whole-house fans to remove excess heat from the house and flush it out of the attic, helping lower temperatures. Unfortunately, these systems may not be effective in all climates; windows must remain open for optimal results.

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can drastically reduce energy consumption and make it simpler to control the climate in your home. They are operated manually or remotely, with many models now featuring WiFi control as well.

Furthermore, many smart devices can adapt to your behavior and automatically heat or cool a room based on what's happening around you. This results in fewer thermostat adjustments and less energy usage during peak activity or when no one is present.

Most fans come with a reversible motor that allows you to run them in the opposite direction, pushing warm air back up from the ceiling and spreading it throughout the room. This could save up to 40% during summer heat waves and 10% during winters - leading to lower heating/cooling bills overall.

Some fans also double as light fixtures, saving energy and eliminating the need for separate overhead lighting in a room. These units typically utilize dimmable LED lighting.


Insulating your home is one of the best ways to conserve energy and save money. It may even prove a beneficial investment that will reap rewards in the future.

Insulation can keep you and your family comfortable throughout the year, so there's no need to worry about cranking up the heat or turning on the air conditioner. Furthermore, insulation helps protect against various health issues like mold and mildew growth.

It's essential to note that a well-insulated home helps prevent the release of harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide - an influential contributor to global warming.

Smart Home Automation

Modern home automation systems can help you reduce energy expenses and reduce your carbon footprint. With the correct lighting, temperature devices and shades programmed correctly each month, you could potentially save a substantial amount of money each year.

To maximize savings with modern home automation, select a system that meets your individual needs and preferences. There are various options available - from easy-to-use systems for turning on and off lights with one touch to sophisticated ones which can control every aspect of your house from top to bottom.

Many systems utilize Wi-Fi-connected sensors and controllers that work with a central hub to integrate everything in your home. You can set routines, automate scenes, or use voice commands to manage all of your home's devices.

Solar Energy

Modern solar energy is an efficient way to save money on your electricity bills. Solar panels work by converting sunlight directly into usable electricity.

Savings vary based on your electricity rate and home usage patterns. To calculate these figures, log in to your electric company account and review past monthly utility bills.

You should also take into account any incentives and rebates that may be available to you. From the Investment Tax Credit to Solar Renewable Energy Certificate programs, these state and federal incentives can significantly reduce your solar energy costs.

Additionally, some utility companies provide net metering policies which credit customers for the energy they supply to the grid. These policies vary by state but typically offer retail rates with one kilowatt hour of grid energy for every kilowatt-hour of solar production. This can reduce your remaining bill and make it easier to break even on your solar investment in time.

Call Maintec today for a Energy Efficiency audit of your home or business.

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