Are you prepared for your upcoming storm session? Whether it's a meeting with colleagues, an important project, or family matters, being prepared helps ensure that you can focus on what matters most.
It's easy to get carried away with superficial conversation instead of discussing ideas and goals. With Storm, you can set up your meeting with a clear agenda before everyone arrives and let everyone contribute in real-time on their own digital workspace.
Stay informed
Staying informed of your local community's storm plan, Download the BOM app or visit BOM (Bureau of Meteorology) website for latest updates. These resources offer essential info about the area's response to the event including public shelter locations.
Maintaining an emergency kit with at least two weeks worth of essential medications is a wise idea. Additionally, stocking up on non-perishables, flashlights and batteries are beneficial.
Have a plan
Hurricanes are natural disasters, but you can prepare for them by making necessary preparations in advance. Create a plan to secure your property and have supplies on hand in case of an emergency.
Backup generators are essential tools for your business or home during a hurricane. Not only does it power all your appliances like the HVAC system and refrigerator, but also washing machines, ovens and more - helping ensure everything stays running smoothly.
Prepare your home
Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, but you should prepare for the next storm session at any time. Having a backup generator installed in your home is the best way to protect both you and your belongings during a power outage due to a severe storm.
Make a home inventory, including items in the attic and basement, then consult with your insurance agent on how best to prepare for damage from winds, rain and hail. You may need to make repairs beforehand in order to reduce the effects of the storm on your property.
Back up generator
A backup generator is an ideal way to ensure that your home's electricity remains on in case of a power outage. It does this by automatically detecting an outage and providing power for appliances, air conditioners, and security systems.
Power outages can be a major inconvenience and safety risk, particularly for those relying on refrigeration and freezers to stay cold. Not only that, but they're also potentially hazardous.
When selecting a standby generator for your home, it's essential to find one that can provide the amount of power you anticipate need. This is especially pertinent if you have computers or other electronics in your house which are sensitive to power surges.
Solar batteries
Solar batteries store excess electricity produced by your solar panels, enabling you to use it at a later date when energy production is lower. This not only cuts back on power bills but also reduces your carbon footprint.
Battery sizes can be tailored to fit your daily requirements and typically stackable for increased capacity. They can be charged from either AC or DC power sources at six, 12, 24 or 48 volts.
Battery types include lead-acid, lithium-ion, flow batteries and nickel cadmium. Each has distinct efficiency levels and performance characteristics.
Surge protection
Lightning strikes cause an abrupt surge in electrical current, which can damage electronic devices such as televisions, computers and phones.
Surge protection devices reduce the amount of voltage allowed to pass through electronic equipment. They are commonly referred to as surge suppressors, transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSSs) and secondary surge arresters.
Lightning is the primary cause of power surges, but other events can also trigger them. The electrical surges that result from these incidents can damage electronics by frying, melting or malfunctioning them.
Fallen Powerlines
When dealing with fallen power lines, it's essential not to panic and attempt to move away from them as quickly as possible. Doing this makes staying safe easier and allows the electric company to cut the electricity in order to prevent fire or electrocution.
Powerlines that fall can occur for many reasons and in various locations. They may be hidden beneath bushes, trees or in streams and puddles, so it is essential that you remain aware of the situation if one occurs in your vicinity.
Storms can cause power lines to come tumbling down due to high winds or falling trees, as well as being caught in ice. If you are worried about falling power lines, contact your local utility company right away and have them inspected before an outage occurs.
Snowstorms pose a particular danger, as heavy ice may accumulate on lines and poles, potentially leading to their failure under weight. Furthermore, earthquakes have the potential for creating power arcs which may result in downed or damaged lines and poles due to ground shaking.
Trees and limbs may be at risk of falling on power lines, particularly if they are unhealthy or have become encroached upon by wires. To reduce this risk, it's wise to have your trees trimmed by a professional as soon as possible.
Small animals such as squirrels and rats can chew through and snag power lines, leading to an outage. This is especially hazardous if the line is near water where electric current can travel through it.
People without electrical protective gear could potentially come into contact with a downed power line and suffer electrocution. That is why it is essential to call 911 immediately upon seeing such an event, alert others nearby and stay at least 30 feet away from it.
Unfortunately, sometimes these downed powerlines can be hard to spot due to all the foliage they've become enshrouded in. That is why it is important to stay alert and ensure you have all necessary tools on hand in case you come across one during your outdoor adventures.
Check Roof for Leaks
A leaking roof can cause extensive damage to your home, so it's essential that you get it repaired promptly in order to minimize the loss. Additionally, performing regular checks on your roof every few years can help identify any problems before they become major issues.
Finding a leak on your own can be challenging, but with the right tools and some patience you may be able to detect it quickly. Furthermore, having a professional inspect your roof for you may be beneficial as they have more expertise and know exactly where to look for issues.
One of the best ways to detect a roof leak is by inspecting wet patches on your ceiling. If these spots appear darker than other parts of your ceiling, it could be indicative of water seepage through drywall. You can use a flashlight to examine these spots closely.
Another way to detect a leak is by climbing onto your roof and checking for stains in the rafters.
These could be signs of mold or water damage, so act quickly if you want to prevent further
destruction from taking place.
You may also try looking for stains in the plastic vapor barrier between your attic insulation and drywall. If this is the case, you should be able to push aside the plastic and observe where water is flowing.
In case of heavy rainfall, you can spray your roof with a hose. This is an efficient option if you don't have time to wait for the storm to pass; plus, it will allow you to locate any leaks without having to get up onto your roof itself.
If you have a helper, they can bring the garden hose and spray the areas where you suspect there may be a leak. Start low and work your way up; have them yell whenever they spot any drips or spots.
Additionally, inspect your gutters for clogs and any gaps or cracks that could be allowing water in. Clogged gutters can lead to a leaky roof as well as other problems.